Saturday, October 26, 2013

Dr. Visit

Saw the doctor yesterday.  Everything is looking good!  Baby B and C are over 1 pound with Baby A not far behind.  Doctor was pleased but cautious.  The longer the boys can stay in my belly, the better.  So more bed rest for me.  Thats ok as long as the boys stay healthy :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Gilly is one of the 2 kitties my friend rescued in early summer.  He is a very loving and cuddly kitty but he is currently driving me nuts!!!!  He's acting crazy like he got into some catnip racing around the house, jumping on anything and anyone he can find.  And he only wants to be held by me...mommy.   Guess I better go snuggle.

first try

This is my first try at a blog.  I am pregnant with identical triplet boys and my good friend JJ suggested I keep a blog about all our adventures!  I am about 22 weeks along and things are going well so far.  Have an appt Friday to check anatomy and growth so I'll have new pics and more info to share.